Can You Microwave Frozen Pizza?

Q. Can you microwave frozen pizza? What happens if you put frozen pizza in the microwave? Why might you want to microwave a frozen pizza? Why might it get dry or soggy? Is there a way to microwave it that will not ruin it? How long does it take to cook a frozen pizza in […] Read more »

Can You Microwave Aluminum Takeout Containers?

Can you microwave aluminum takeout containers?

Q. Can you microwave aluminum takeout containers? If you can’t, what could go wrong? What about the container you brought home from the restaurant or a leftover pie? A. Aluminum foil is a versatile material that can be made into many different products for home and industrial use. If you look around your house, you […] Read more »

Can You Microwave Rubber?

Can you microwave rubber?

Q. I got into a fight with my wife recently. She says it is perfectly safe to microwave rubber containers, but I am pretty sure they would just melt! So my question to you is, can you microwave rubber? And if so, does it vary depending upon what kind of rubber it is? I’ve got […] Read more »

Can You Microwave Cardboard?

Can you microwave cardboard?

Q. I frequently have take-out or leftover foods in cardboard containers and want to reheat them without getting extra dishes dirty. Can you microwave cardboard? A. When you want to quickly reheat food without using dishes and creating extra cleanup work, putting cardboard in the microwave is an attractive option. In general, it’s safe to […] Read more »

Can You Microwave Corningware?

Q: During the summer, I went garage sale hunting and ended up finding some stunning Corningware dishes that my mother used to have when I was a child. Can you microwave Corningware? A: Corningware is one of the most common baking dishes on the market today. Their brand has been around for decades, and their products […] Read more »

Can You Cook Spaghetti Noodles In The Microwave?

Q: Since moving off to college, I have been eating nothing but cafeteria food. The processed food is really starting to get to me, and I would love nothing more than a home-cooked meal. Sadly, the only thing us students have access to are microwaves. Can you cook spaghetti noodles in the microwave? A: College is […] Read more »

Can You Defrost Turkey In The Microwave?

Q: After Thanksgiving, my family and I always split the leftovers. Well, this year, we had a lot of leftover turkey, and so I froze half of mine. I forgot to lay it out to thaw, and now it’s rock hard and I can’t make dinner. Can you defrost turkey in the microwave? A: Leftovers […] Read more »

Can You Microwave Beets?

Q: With the holidays always around the corner, I dread having to serve beets. They always stain my good dishes and splatter purple all over my stove. Can you microwave beets so that way I can just transfer them to a serving dish? A: The holidays are always times for eating too much food, and […] Read more »

Can You Microwave Baby Formula?

Q: My wife can no longer breastfeed our twins, so we have been working to transition to a formula for night feedings. Is there a way to “quickly” warm the water or milk so I can go back to a regular sleep schedule within the next year? Can you microwave baby formula? A: Every parent […] Read more »

Can You Microwave A Baked Potato In The Microwave?

Q: I love baked potatoes, whether I make them in the microwave, on the grill, or in the oven, they are the perfect snack in my busy life. However, I just started my new job, and I was wondering if it is possible to microwave an already baked, baked potato, to warm it up? A: […] Read more »